
Liberal Arts Student Award for Research on Sustainability (LASARS)

Liberal Arts Student Award for Research on Sustainability (LASARS)

Deadline to Apply: February 15, 2024

Link to the Student award page where you can find the application. We recommend using Google Chrome to open the application.

Goal: The Sustainability Council seeks to support students performing sustainability-focused research in the Penn State College of the Liberal Arts during the spring and/or summer of 2024. Students can apply for funds to conduct independent research projects under the supervision of a CLA faculty member.

What will be funded? Any type of sustainability-focused research or creative project, including work in the lab, field, or archives. 

Eligibility: Any undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in the College of the Liberal Arts with at least one semester remaining before graduation is eligible. Students must have a faculty sponsor for their project and must consult with that faculty member to develop their project. 

Funding: Awards for up to $1000 each will be awarded to undergraduates and graduate students.  Funds may be used to support research-related activities such as lab supplies, analytical services, travel, etc. 

Project Presentation: Students funded through this program will present a poster detailing their research at the annual Undergraduate or Graduate Exhibition in Spring 2024. Awardees must submit a digital version of their poster presentation to the CLA Sustainability Council as their final project report. 

Deadline to apply: February 15, 2024

How to Apply?

  1. Think of a project idea and discuss it with a faculty member (not sure if you know a faculty member consider faculty in our expert data list;
  2. Work with a faculty member to develop your project and budget. 
  3. Go here to find the online application Under Awards for Students.
  4. Deadline to apply is February 15, 2024

Information needed to apply

  • Semester and planned graduation date
  • Major(s)/Minor(s) or Graduate Program
  • Project title
  • Objectives and motivation for research (250 words). Please include a statement describing the sustainability focus of your proposed project.
  • Description of how the research will contribute to student’s educational and professional goals (100 words)
  • Faculty sponsor
  • Budget and a brief justification

Please address questions to Janet K. Swim <>