The Penn State Center for Human Evolution and Diversity (CHED) invites proposals for seed grants for the 2023-24 academic year. Funds awarded to successful projects will need to be spent completely before the end of fiscal year in which they are awarded.
CHED seeks proposals for small grants of up to $5,000 from multi- and transdisciplinary research teams (representing at least two Penn State departments) working on projects related broadly to the understanding of human evolution and diversity. Successful proposals will describe new or ongoing projects which require a piece of equipment, reagents, and/or funds to pay for undergraduate research assistance or research subject reimbursement in order to advance a promising project. Proposals are welcomed from new research teams or teams who have been previously awarded CHED seed grants. Proposals should follow NSF or NIH style and comprise a one-page summary, biosketches of all co-investigators, a budget, and a project timeline, and should be sent to Theresa Wilson ( on or before the deadline of Friday 17 November 2023. Final selection of 4-5 projects will take place in December, based on peer review by CHED-affiliated faculty. Funds will be disbursed in January 2024 and must be spent before 30 June 2024.
Questions about ideas or logistics for potential projects should be directed to Mark Shriver (, or David Puts (