
2023 Seed Grant Program

2023 Seed Grant Program

Deadline to Apply: November 28, 2022 5 pm EST

Penn State’s Institutes of Energy and the Environment (IEE) Seed Grant Program is intended to foster basic and applied research on strategic interdisciplinary topics that leverage faculty expertise across the University. The Seed Grant Program strives to:

  • Develop new interdisciplinary research teams and position them for high-impact research and substantial external funding success
  • Pursue novel research in IEE’s theme areas, especially high-risk proof of concept projects
  • Promote research development and mentorship between junior and senior faculty

All proposals must be submitted through InfoReady:

Proposals are due by November 28, 2022, by 5 pm (EST)

Please email with any questions about the program.

Important Dates

November 28, 2022, 5 pm (EST)Proposal Submission Deadline
February 2023Funding Decisions Announced
April 2023Grant funds made available and must be expended by June 30, 2024
September 30, 2024Final report due