
Sustainable New Year’s Resolutions

Sustainable New Year’s Resolutions

As you consider your goals for 2023, consider making some sustainable new year’s resolutions! Eco-friendly publication Brightly maps out three steps to ensure your success.

First, go small and specific by choosing realistic goals for yourself. For example, are you interested in going vegetarian? Consider eating meatless one day each week and increasing this frequency as you become more comfortable.

Second, choose some swaps. Thinking of your new green goals as big projects can be intimidating. Instead, frame them as small swaps in your daily routine. Try using cloth produce bags instead of plastic ones or opting for reusable, metal straws over single-use ones.

Third, keep yourself accountable. Brightly suggests asking a friend to be your accountability buddy. Share your goals with this person, and check in each week to report your progress. Alternatively, you can announce your plans on Instagram or Facebook and update your followers on your positive changes.

We applaud you for pledging to better, more sustainable habits. Cheers to a green new year!

This article references a Brightly publication, found here.