ANTH 432: Environmental Archaeology
Days Taught:
Time Offered:
An introductory course in Environmental Archaeology, with emphasis on method and theory in the subfields archaeobotany, pedoarchaeology, and zooarchaeology. ANTH 432 Environmental Archaeology (3)This class is a survey of the fast-developing field of environmental archaeology, or archaeobiology, which encompasses archaeology, the earth sciences, plant biology, and zoology. Environmental archaeologists apply techniques and insights obtained from these fields to questions concerning the relationships among humans, cultural systems, and the natural world, as reflected in the archaeological record. The general goal of the course is to promote understanding of the vital interplay between human societies, with their diverse systems of belief and cultural practices, and the natural environment, with emphasis on human interactions with biotic resources. Instruction is by lecture, supplemented by laboratory sessions emphasizing hands-on experience. Weekly topics are explored through selected readings and class discussions, augmented with laboratory assignments (practical exercises) variously focused on specific types or classes of archaeobiological materials. ANTH 432 will fulfill 3 credits of the additional courses in the Anthropology minor and major, as well as the Archaeological Science major. Anth 002 is a prerequisite.